Senin, 17 Agustus 2009

Islam Religion polite, Not Teaching Violence

LEBAK Action meresahkan the terrorism of the community, many mengatasnamakan and Islamic Jihad. However, most scholars would prohibit the act because of the boomerang, also hurt other people. KH said. Apipudin, community leaders as well as research nurse at the time of the establishment of the theory of 4 in the area of Lebak District of the West gathered in the Assembly Taklim Raudlathul Muta'alimin in Nunggul Village, the Village District Cipanas Cipanas Lebak regency. According to him, the religion of Islam, especially the beraliran Ahlu Sunnah Waljamaah prohibit acts of violence let alone make suicide attempts, although the plea jihad or die Said with any reasons, as assessed against the Syariat Islam. "Instruction in the Majlis Taklim Raudlathul Muta'alimin beraliran Ahlussunah Wal Jamaah acknowledge the 4 sect and does not allow the flow of the academic or outside it, especially the hard beraliran consider the action as a suicide bombing because the jihad against the teachings of Islam. Thus even the Islam akan stamped and be censured by the west as printing a new terrorist-terrorist, "Apipudin firm. Therefore, go Apipudin theory that will be performed throughout the holy month Ramadan is open to the public, who may also, including journalists. "But that Jamaah pengajiannya comes from the 4 districts, among districts Cipanas, Muncang, Lebak Gedong and Sajira," he said. Meanwhile, the Regent of Lebak, Mulyadi Jayabaya said as Muslims, should the whole society and the increase of faith in Allah SWT ketaqwaan what else at this time approaching the Holy Month of Ramadan, the Month of Forgiveness and magfiroh. So that unity and the nation will awake, and always will be mutual respect among human beings. "Therefore, I ask the entire community to celebrate the independence of HUT RI made simple and Islamic, Fair we kneel and will berdzikir up, not to make excessive activity (yippee-yippee, Red

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